Early risers in
The substantial size of the positive bias in stock prices estimated by Brennan's empirical study of NYSE, AMEX and Nasdaq data was all the more startling for the audience given the time-slot of the event: 7am at Zuercher Kantonalbank's gleaming offices in Zurich West.
Professor Emeritus at
The next seminar in the Swiss Finance Industry Seminar series, held on October 28th at 7am, will be given by Thomas Jordan, Member of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank and University of Berne. Professor Jordan's presentation is entitled Geldpolitik und Liquiditaet. Click here to register.
Also pictured: Didier Sornette (middle) and Paolo Vanini (right). Professor Vanini is director of knowledge transfer at the Swiss Finance Institute. The presentation was followed by a lively discussion from the assembled experts in banking and finance.