Participants in the 2008 Certificate in Financial Asset Management and Engineering course (CFAME) have reached the mid point of the 5 week program this week with presentations on Market and Credit Risk Management.
Institute Senior Chair Erwan Morellec and Assistant Professor Tony Berrada presented the tools needed to size up the risks facing financial institutions large and small. Earlier in the week saw presentations by Olivier Scaillet, whose work on estimating outperformance among fund managers featured recently in the New York Times.
CFAME's Class of 2008 displays the international mix so characteristic of program, with two thirds of the class coming from outside Switzerland. I spoke with financial planner Philip Amery (pictured, right), who'd made the journey from Adelaide, Australia and medical graduate Ahmed Alsaleh, and learned about the opportunities available to numerically-savvy financial folks around the globe. Both saw great opportunities in these challenging times.
Very refreshing.